AI powered investment scam detection and speedy funds recovery— so you get paid faster

Cybercrime investigation processes rely on flawed, slow, manual, and error-prone practices. Accelerate your funds recovery with cost-saving automation and predictive-AI insights

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Solutions for:


Foreign Exchange Scam


Binary Option Scam


Cryptocurrency Scam


Stock Trade Scam

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Machine Learning for Fraud Detection

Online Dating Scam

Are you a victim of financial scam?

Our broad international experience with the banking industry, our familiarity with each and every credit card network’s unique chargeback guidelines.

Our state-of-the-art AI and ML technology in tracing cryptocurrency transactions are the strategic advantages that allow Recovery Capital build the strongest cases for each client.

Talk to an Expert Now!

Our Strength & Technology

Harness the power of of a team of experienced blockchain certified forensic experts, credit card network and cooperation with hundreds of law enforcement agencies.

We work tirelessly on your behalf to recover what is owed or lost to all forms of investment scams; quickly and cost effectively.

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Receivables Management Practices


Speed up the credit process by customizing online application forms and creating criteria for auto-decisioning. Control the cost and complexity of approvals.


Jumpstart B2B and B2C online ordering with an automated order-to-cash solution that offers an exceptional customer experience.


Deliver invoices the way your customers prefer while simultaneously controlling costs, eliminating manual bottlenecks, and simplifying invoice management.


Save on credit card acceptance costs, accelerate cash flow, and find more value in every transaction.

Cash Apps

Improve efficiency, eliminate manual error, and realize higher match-rate accuracy through a secure, automated approach to customer remittances.


Modernize collections processes and keep DSO down with automation and AI insights, enabling you to focus on customers who need more high-touch outreach.

Our 3 Steps Recovery Process

We have with us, wealth recovery experts who know all the tricks and inner workings of scammers.

With the aid of AI, our legal team, cyber forensic investigators, and years of experience, we can track and expose the fraud so you can exercise your rights and recover your money.

Step 1

Contact us for a free case review

Our team of experts will assess your case and identify which kind of fraud had been done and whether money can be recovered or not. The case review is free so you can stop Hesitating and contact us right away.

Step 2

Forensic and Legal actions

After approving that your case is valid by our accessors, we can move ahead in building a legal case to recover your money. Our legal department will issue the needed letters and application to the authorities that are responsible to recover your losses.

Step 3

Get your money back!

Most of the fraud victims are depressed and feel ashamed about their situation. After completing the full service and successfully recovering their wealth, they can finally feel relief. We are happy to help people recover their funds, and get their life back.

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